Cincinnati Public Schools
Georgia Kropf
Alexa Noel
Ravenna City Schools EVEN START
Helen Jane Wilson
Lory Vild
Donna C. Whetzel
Painesville Adult Basic Literacy Education
Shirley Kowalski
Joan Lindhurst
Steubenville City Schools ABLE
Richard Lucci
Joseph T. Banovsky
Suzanne Kress
If you don't have the Adobe Reader installed on your computer, please take a moment to download and install it now. You will be very impressed with the the quality of the documents!
Mindy Fehrman
Linda Juarbe
Kathy Lawrence-Bigrigg
Coshocton County Job & Family Services/ABLE Website
Writing lessons developed by Betty Darr for CORC
The CORC Newsletter
The CORC Resource Center designs a newsletter on a quarterly basis for
its adult students. The newsletter is created by our ABLE students as
completely as possible. Resource Center staff assist as needed by
providing pre-GED and GED information and other positive, informational
items of interest. We hope that other sites will enjoy our newsletters
as much as we do.
CORC's Newletter as Web Pages.
Corc's Newletter as PDF files.