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1. If I print, copy, and distribute material from the Internet I am not violating the copyright law.
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2. If an article on-line doesn't have the copyright symbol, then it is not consider copyrighted material.
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3. The copyright law protects an on-line web page document.
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4. If the owner of the copyrighted item doesn't protect their copyright works, they lose it.
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5. E-mail messages that are posted on-line aren't considered copyrighted material.
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6. Items on-line that aren't considered original work are blank forms, short phrases, names, titles, facts, and ideas.
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7. It is legal to use a small portion of copyrighted material for education purposes.
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8. It is illegal to scan images out of a book or magazine to one's web site.
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9. Individuals, who are affiliated with an education institution aren't allowed to use copyrighted text material or motion media from the Internet without obtaining permission from the owner.
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10. When obtaining permission to use copyrighted material, it is not necessary to contact the owner of the copyrighted works.