ABLE for the Deaf Adult Learner

One Teachers Experiences
Classroom Strategies I
Classroom Strategies II
Curriculum Resources
Technological Devices
Working With Interpreters
Web Resources

Aspire for the Deaf Adult Learner

This Web site is created to help Aspire/GED® teachers learn what to do and how to teach when there is a deaf adult in their classrooms. In this Web site, you will find resources on instructional strategies, curriculum guides, sociological and psychological problems that comes with being deaf, and accommodations for deaf learners.

The titles along the side are hyper-linked to each section. So feel free to start anywhere in the site. Each section has a link to all the other sections in the left hand frame.

One Teacher's Experiences
A teacher shares her experiences and first-hand knowledge of teaching a class of deaf adult learners. She also shares tips on how to set up a class for deaf adult learners and for integrating the deaf students into the regular Aspire program.

Classroom Strategies I
Written by the same teacher, this information is presented in a clear and concise format.

Classroom Strategies II
Gathered from several resources on how to modify classrooms in three aspects: physical, curriculum and social.

Curriculum Resources
A curriculum guide developed for deaf adult learners, suggested curriculum modifications, and the use of teaching strategies are included here.

Definitions of different types of hearing losses, examples of intensities of sound, definitions of deaf and hard of hearing, and cultural understandings of Deaf culture are offered here.

What do you need to do for your classroom? How to accommodate the deaf adult learner? These questions are discussed and related Web links are given on this page.

Technological Devices
What devices are available for the deaf and hard of hearing people to help them function in the everyday world?

Working with Interpreters
How to work with interpreters in a classroom? What is their role?

Web Resources
Resources that can be found on the Web regarding deaf literacy, deafness, technological devices, deaf organizations, American Sign Language, anatomy of the ear, classroom strategies, and curricular resources.

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