Beginnings 22 imagine

publish your writing in Beginnings

Teacher's Domain - Writing Prompts
This site has video prompts. May be for younger/newer writings but really anyone could use these as a jumping off point and just make the story more complex. All the prompts and interesting and will stimulate the writer.
Preditors and Editors
''[Our] sole purpose is to provide writters with information and contacts for the purpose of seaking publication of their work [and] warn writers of any scams.'' highly recommended
Central Ohio Downtown Writers Network
Chicken Soup for the
Farming Magazine
P.O. Box 85
Mt. Hope, OH 44666
Still Crazy
''by and/or about people over 50''
The Change Agent
"We especially encourage teachers and students of adult education to consider writing for us. $50.00 stipends are provided for work accepted for publication."
Glimmertrain Press
Hocking Hills Travel Writing Contest
Mac's Backs
Poetry workshops Friday at 7:30pm
Bring a dozen copies of any poem to the workshop!
Writer's Digest - Creative Writing Prompts
Lots of funny, fun, and creative prompts to exercise your writing skills.
Wick Poetry Center
Mar L. Cook Public Library
381 Old Stage Road
Waynesville, OH 45068
Tuesday 6:00-8:00pm Writers Workshop
Kathy Colvin: 513-897-4826
Writer's Digest 101 Best Sites
Write Now Newsletter -
Mom Writer's Literary Magazine
Samantha Gianulis
Science fiction, fantasy and horror short stories
Writing Prompts

Ohio Literacy Resource Center
Research 1 - 1100 Summit St.
Kent State University
PO Box 5190
Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
Ohio Literacy Resource Center Phone: 330-672-2007
In Ohio Only: 800-765-2897
Fax: 330-672-4841
TTY: 330-672-2379