Teaching Strategies

Lesson Plans

Teaching & Learning Strategies

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Teaching Strategies

As part of our Eureka! resource we offer a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies to use during Lesson Plan development. These strategies are a great way to give life to your lessons and can be used with all of the recommended trade books. Many strategies also appear in the trade book Teaching Ideas which are teaching guides for several midlevel books found in the Eureka! database. Teaching and learning strategies can:

  • scaffold learning by supporting students before, during and after a lesson so they can be successful
  • incorporate reading, writing, and social activities
  • give students a visual representation of the material
  • promote active learning and engaged learners
  • encourage collaboration in the classroom
  • help students become independent learners

    Take a look at the many Teaching & Learning Strategies we offer and choose the ones you feel would be suitable for your students. You may have to use a strategy a few times to feel comfortable with it but the time spent will be well worth it. There are descriptions of More Strategies if you need additional resources.

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    Kent State University
    Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
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    Instructional Planning Strategies Trade Books Lesson Plans Other Web Resources