Ohio EFF

Activity 1: Homework Application: Connecting the Tools and PCC
Title of Activity 1: Homework Application: Connecting the Tools and PCC
Time: 60 m

Purpose: Participants will make connections from the previous orientation presentation on the Quality Model and Content Framework to how these tools could be used in their classrooms and programs.

Objectives: To create classroom examples using the tools of EFF (purposes, role maps, common activities, skills, standards).
To investigate further the concepts of purposeful, contextual, and constructivist and apply to a classroom activity.

Target Audience: Teachers and Administrators

Format: Small groups of 4, 8, then large group discussion


Key Discoveries: Peer learning takes place with sharing of experiences since the last session as well as a springboard of ideas for those still lacking understanding. This becomes an arena for brainstorming situations and gaining insights for those more expertise in using the tools. Also, the presenter can use this time to clarify and dispel myths or misunderstandings from previous learning.

Facilitation Notes: If homework assignment has not been completed by everyone, participants can discuss at tables an example among themselves and offer suggestions for those not completing the assignment. Provide blank EFF Classroom Example sheets for everyone.

Activity Description:

    Step 1: (15 m) Individuals will share their classroom examples with 3 other people at their tables. Discussion to focus on how the activity went - their successes, problems, changes to program format, student reaction, etc.

    Step 2: (10 m) Groups of 4 share with another group of 4 at their table. Their goal is to find one example they would want to share with the large group.

    Step 3: (10 m) Share the handout on PCC and discuss any misconceptions or questions remaining about these concepts. Now that the group has chosen the one classroom example to share, have them go back over the activity and identify when it was purposeful, contextual, and constructivist. If any of these areas are missing, problem solve together as a group and determine how the activity could be changed to include these 3 concepts.

    Step 4: (15 m) Each small group will share their discoveries and learning process with the large group.

Segue: Collect and compile all Classroom Examples, then distribute to participants as packet.


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