Formulating a Tentative Rationale
Formation of a tentative rationale requires that you answer the question, "Why is there a need for a local linkage team?" This information will be needed to help ensure internal support as well as to market the team idea in the community. Your assessment of the local situation in Step One can form the basis for the answer to this question. You will need to be able to-
Identifying Existing Linkages
Frequently, existing linkages can form the basis for a team. In fact, developing a team may simply be a matter of formalizing already existing linkages by creating a structure to approach problem solutions in a more systematic way. Thinking about individuals in other agencies with whom you maintain regular contact is a good way to begin this process. Those persons can also be asked about their networks. Talking to others in your organization about their contacts and knowledge of existing linkages may also be helpful in this process.
Developing Internal Administrative Support
You may need to generate internal administrative support for an interagency linkage team. Your tentative rationale should clearly enumerate the organizational benefits of interagency linkages. For example, what could an interagency team accomplish that could not be realized by your organization on its own and how would these achievements contribute to the organization's mission or goals? Ensuring internal support should be a continuous process that includes keeping administrators informed of progress and reporting on successes that have a positive effect on the organization.
Questions to Consider in Step Two: Getting Started
2. What current contacts do we have with other agencies serving the same clients? (List agencies and name(s) of contact person.) 3. What could an interagency linkage team accomplish that our organization could not achieve on its own? 4. How would these achievements contribute to our organization's mission and goals? 5. What is the most effective way of approaching the leadership in our organization with this information? |