Title: Parent Questionnaire
Materials: Paper and pencil
One way to know if we are really communicating with our children on an emotional level is to stop and ask ourselves how much we really know about what they are thinking or feeling. Ask these questions of your child to see how the child would respond. Repeat activity with each child in family individually.
- What is your child's most prized possession?
- With which adult extended-family member does your child feel most comfortable?
- In what experiences or tasks does your child feel most successful?
- Who outside the immediate family would your child turn to with a serious problem? (Need not be an adult)
- What makes your child sad?
- What makes your child truly happy?
- What does your child find most stressful in life?
- What issue or topic does your child find most difficult to talk to you about?
- Name two things your child fears.
- Name two things that make your child angry.