Title: Vegetable and Fruit Funny Face
- Large firm crackers or rice cakes
- Shredded carrots
- Raisins
- Creamy peanut butter
- Grapes
Wise food choices are important for children at meals and at snack time. Vegetables and fruits are good for kids and their parents. Everyone should eat a total of 5 fruits and vegetables every day.
1. Parent and child wash hand. Take a cracker and spread peanut butter on it. Then make a funny face.
2. As the child is eating the snack, talk about different fruits and vegetables that could be used to make a different funny face. Some ideas are oranges, bananas, and apples in the fruit group and celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and cherry tomatoes from the vegetable group. A cheese spread or cream cheese could be substituted for the peanut butter. If you have some of these available, use your imagination creating other funny faces. Eat and enjoy!