Communication Assertiveness

To develop understanding of assertive behavior - to understand respecting the rights of others, using "I" message -"Everyone wins".

    1. Complete statements assertive response:
    • If someone asks me to do a favor I don't want to do, I usually:
    • When I need time and information from my boss I usually:
    • When someone gets angry with me, I usually:

        Instructor share: Assertiveness Rule: Always stand up for yourself and say what you mean. Always respect other people. Begin with "I" messages - "I am unclear" or "I have a concern about..."

    2. Role-Play: Take turns being the employee and the employer. Discuss how you could handle this situation.

      On your way to work you are caught in traffic due to an earlier accident. You arrive to work 30 minutes late. You were unable to call to explain the situation. When you arrive, your employer is angry.

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