
Objective: To figure the percentage of tax, discounts, service charges, price extension, shipping charge, order number, shipping weight, merchandise, color and number, how to read charts in catalog format; how to use the index and the table of content; learn vocabulary,

Materials: Large mail order catalogs (Example. J.C. Penny's, Sears)

Activities: Divide students into groups of two. Give the students a 11 shopping list" of eight (8) items you pre-select. Ask them to locate those items and complete the order form. Discuss ways to find things more quickly.

Additional activities:

  • Discuss how a catalog is divided into sections.
  • Have the students develop a table of contents showing the major divisions.
  • Devise a list of numbers to reflect prices, merchandise order numbers, weight, shipping charge, etc. Cut each into a strip. Have each student pull a strip. Ask the students to identify what those numbers mean.
  • Bring in items that might be purchased from a catalog. Have the students design a catalog for thosc items.
  • Discuss job skills needed for catalog sales, catalog production, and other jobs in this area.

PACT Activity:

  • Setup a store in the Pre-K classroom. Also include a corner where "customers" can place orders with catalogs, order blanks.
  • Ask parents to assist students in completing forms and discuss how items purchased will be used.
  • Explain and discuss why one might want to buy the item in the store versus the catalog. Is the item on sale in the store? Do you need the item right away? Etc.

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