Are you Guilty of...? - Tech Talk: Fall 1998 (page 2)
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Public Domain
Public Domain
Explanations of original non-copyrightable works, lost copyright, expired copyright, government documents & works granted to the public domain
When Works Pass in to the Public Domain
Includes material from new Term Extension Act, PL 105-298 (Date of work, protected from and term)
Fair Use
Fair Use
Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia
Copyright & Fair Use
Copyright Legislation
Copyright Protection
The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act
Copyright and Digital Distance Education
US Copyright Office Library of Congress
Additional Resources and Information
Cornell University's site outlines fair use under U.S. copyright law
Copyright & Fair Use
"This memorandum provides a general description of the applicability of the copyright law and the so-called "fair use" exemptions to the copyright law's general prohibition on copying. It also describes "safe harbor" guidelines applicable to classroom copying."
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
"The 1998 enactment of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) represents the most comprehensive reform of United States copyright law in a generation. The DMCA seeks to update U.S. copyright law for the digital age in preparation for ratification of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties."
Fair Use of Copyrighted Works: A Crucial Element in Educating America
"Copyright law begins with the premise that the copyright owner has exclusive rights to many uses of a protected work, notably rights to reproduce, distribute, make derivative works, and publicly display or perform the work. But the Copyright Act also sets forth several important exceptions to those rights. Individual statutes make specific allowance for such concerns as distance learning, backup copies of software, and some reproductions made by libraries. The best known and most important exception to the owners' rights is fair use."
Computer Ethics
"With the freedom of the Internet has come a host of new ethical issues. This site is devoted to providing a basic understanding of computer ethics to the Internet users of tomorrow, with the hope that they will make informed and moral decisions throughout their careers."
Permission to Use Graphics or Create Links
"Some web sites freely grant permission for schools to create links or use graphics...but some do not. Although the law is still being tested, when in doubt it is always best to ask permission. The letters below should help students with this writing task."
How to Cite Your Sources: First Things First!
"Is the web site reliable? Should you cite it as a valid resource? These sites provide excellent help:"
Copyright in an Electronic Environment
"Guidelines from Consortium of College &University Media Centers"
The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use
"When it comes to copyright law and the application of fair use exceptions, ignorance is definitely not bliss! Learn how to educate yourselves and your students and avoid making a costly mistake!"
Copyright Clearance Center
"Permissions made easy for owners and users of copyrighted works!
Copyright on the Internet
"This discussion addresses U.S. copyright issues of concern to those who post to or own email lists or host web pages. It also deals with situations where someone might want to forward or archive another's email posting or to copy material from another's web page."
Web Law FAQ
"This Web page, and the other pages of the Oppedahl & Larson LLP Web server, are provided by the firm of Oppedahl & Larson LLP as a service to the public. It is hoped that the information provided here will be helpful to readers in familiarizing themselves with intellectual property issues that may affect them."
United States Copyright Office; The Library of Congress
"Here you will find all our key publications, including informational circulars; application forms for copyright registration; links to the copyright law and to the home pages of other copyright-related organizations; news of what the Office is doing, including Congressional testimony and press releases; our latest regulations; a link to our online copyright records cataloged since 1978; and much more."
Copyright Basics
Also from the United States Copyright Office, this page is a nice listing of questions and answers surrounding copyright.
10 Myths about Copyright Explained
"Note that this is an essay about copyright myths. It assumes you know at least what copyright is -- basically the legal exclusive right of the author of a creative work to control the copying of that work."
The Copyright Website
"This site endeavors to provide real world, practical and relevant copyright information of interest to infonauts, netsurfers, webspinners, content providers, musicians, appropriationists, activists, infringers, outlaws, and law abiding citizens. Launched on May Day 95, this site seeks to encourage discourse and invite solutions to the myriad of copyright tangles that currently permeate the Web; The Copyright Website strives to lubricate the machinations of information delivery. As spice is to Dune, information is to the Web; the spice must flow."
Crash Course in Copyright
The legal protection against copying given to original works, which may be in printed or photographically or electronically stored words, music, visual arts, and performing arts. The purpose of copyright is not just to protect the rights, but to establish the rules under which copies or portions may be made to make a work more widely available. Copyright extends to electronic representations of these forms, too, although the laws governing new electronic copies in such forms as search engine indexes and browser caches needs better definition. Copyright exists on all original works from the moment they are published, whether formally registered or not and whether or not copyright markings appear on the works. Copyrights probably apply to public postings in e-mail, message bases, and newsgroups, but the law is not well tested in these areas. Copyrights are observed by most countries in the world.
(from the Glossary of Internet Terms)