, workplace literacy, tutoring
adult readers, family literacy, adult basic
education, adult literacyjournal">
Appendix B
Eliza Doolittle Education Proposal
I will have Eliza Doolittle go over her vowels until she pronounces them correctly, and I will have Eliza speaking with H's before the six months are over. In order to do so, I will have to use every machine in my manor.
I will have Eliza work from dawn till dawn until she can start talking correctly, and once she has done that, she will only have to practice from dawn till dusk. In the morning Eliza will practice her vowels and in the afternoon she will practice her H's, and in between she will learn good posture and how to act like a lady.
I have a degree in speech, and my life revolves around the art of speech. I can place a man or woman within five miles of his/her home, and I can place him/her in his/her street if he/she is from London.
I have many recording machines throughout my house to copy Eliza's voice, so after a while she can hear her progress. I have a machine that will show by a flame if she says her H's correctly.
Eliza should be able to go to the ball and be passed off as a duchess and fool the prince.
We shall first take Eliza to the races and try her out to see if she is ready for the ball and to find out what she needs help in; I will only give her two topics to talk about: the weather and people's health. Then the final evaluation would be the BIG BALL.
Eliza is a strong girl so she should be able to handle the stress of learning to speak, but I think the harder I drill her, the faster she will learn.