Activity 3: What's PCC?
Purpose: Key discoveries: Having participants link PCC to actual classroom activity to illustrate the power of using these characteristics. Target audience: Teachers and administrators Format: Small group and discussion Materials:
Facilitation notes: Facilitator has the option of using 1 or all 3 scenarios in the small groups.
Facilitator Resource: Links to other activities: The three scenarios link to the roles of worker, community and family member; have staff come together and create their own scenario that others can use.
Description of Activity: Step 2: (10 min) Using list from the previous activity, participants should be able to better define the concepts of PCC since their positive learning comments should be illustrative of these core concepts. Facilitator codes the responses (post-its or markers) by working with the large group as purposeful (P), contextual (CX) and constructivist (CT). Debrief and answer questions. Step 3: (30 min) Give a classroom example where groups can identify PCC together. Use community example, family literacy and workforce (around role maps). Model one example together and then have small groups work together to discuss and complete the worksheet. Report out.
Community Member Example: The Speeding Ticket Handout Questions:
Step 4: (10min) Facilitator to wrap up the reports from small groups. Point out how this (PCC) is the bedrock of EFF and only the beginning of their learning process. To reinforce their learning, provide the "Practitioner Reflection Log" for staff to complete together at their planning sessions. Segue: Take it to the next level and make the statement "What was the last thing you learned?" You probably chose what you wanted to learn because you had a specific reason or purpose for doing this.