Ohio EFF

Activity 4: Solving the Mystery of EFF

Title of Activity 4: Solving the Mystery of EFF
Time: 120 m

Purpose: To get the audience to see that the EFF standards are for all of us, not something that we "do to" our learners'. Audience will use the EFF standard Learn Through Research to answer one or more of their own questions about EFF.

Key discoveries: This activity models how EFF can be used to address individual needs through a group learning activity: it also models the use of one of the EFF standards.

Target audience: Teachers, but can be adapted for use in a mixed group (administrators and teachers)

Format: Active involvement with audience moving around 5 facilitated worktables


  • Computers and access to Internet - EFF Special Collection
  • Standards Guides for each participant (this can be ordered here)
  • Assorted material related to EFF (Results That Matter, reports, Hot Topics, etc)
  • Dots - 2 colors (small and large sizes - 10 per person, each color)
  • Chart paper, markers, tape
  • Learn Through Research Standard - overhead or book
  • Pictures of various 'tools'
  • Pocket Guide pamphlet
  • "Mastering the Mystery of EFF" Wall charts
  • "Mastering the Mystery of EFF" personal quizzes
  • "The Investigation" handouts and overheads for each group
  • "Quick Reference Guide"
  • Glossary
  • "Reflection" handout
  • "Classroom Examples" ideas for each table
  • "Classroom Examples" template handout

    Facilitation notes: Be sure to check Internet access before beginning this activity, if you plan to have participants access EFF web sites. Choose 5 facilitators before training and explain their roles using the "Facilitator Schedule" (send copy to each along with activity they will be leading).

    Links to other activities: This activity could serve as a daylong activity where participants learn about the history of EFF, the assessment work now being done, and all the components of the EFF Framework. Participants could work in small groups on various topics, then have each group share out at the end of the day.

    Description of Activity:
    Step 1: Begin by talking through the Framework pamphlet, explaining each of the parts of the framework and a short explanation of how they build on each other and why the framework was constructed this way. Also point out places to find this framework in their resources (Blue Book appendix and Results That Matter beginning pages).

    Step 2: Using the Tool pictures, talk through how we use the tools (Purposes, Role Maps, Common Activities, Skill Wheel, and Standards) of EFF.
    Talking points for the pictures.

    • What is this? Parking meter: a tool we see in our community. We use this tool to rent parking places. I remember as a child begging to be the one that got to put the money in the slots. Our community uses this tool to make money. We all have to read how to use individual meters in every new community we visit.

    • What is this? Microwave: a tool we see in our homes We use this tool to aid in our cooking. I personally cannot cook an entire meal using one, but I do use it to reheat leftovers. Who taught you how to use a microwave? Did you read a book, did you learn by trial and error, or did someone show you? It probably wasn't easy at first.

    • What is this? Calculator: a tool we see in our work We use this tool do our figuring in math. The GED test now includes the use of the calculator on the test. Many of us have had to learn or relearn how to use the calculator to figure percents, fractions, etc. How did you learn to use the calculator? Did someone show you, did you read the instructions, or did you learn by trial and error?

    • Now, ask what the next three pictures are and what they are used for?
      Plane, Plumbline, Hammer
      Explain that with the help of these three tools they can build a beautiful cabinet. You could build a cabinet without these tools, but they make the job a whole lot easier. However, you would not ask them to do this without first teaching them how to use the tools.
        The same is true for the tools that EFF provides. We want to make sure you have the tools and know how to use each one to make your job easier.
        The tools include: Skill Wheel, Standards, The Four Purposes, Common Activities, and the Role Maps.

    Step 3: (10 min) Using personal copy of "Solving the Mystery of EFF," have participants pre-assess their knowledge and use of the Purposes, Role Maps, Common Activities, Skill Wheel, and Standards.

    Charts illustrated below:

    I understand the EFF Standards and can explain them to others.

    Much is still hidden
    It's becoming much clearer
    Aha - solved the mystery

    I understand how to use the EFF Standards as a tool in my work.
    Much is still hidden
    It's becoming much clearer
    Aha - solved the mystery

    Determine which of the 5 components you would like to learn more about, based on the survey results.

    Step 4: (10 min) Everyone will place green dots on the wall charts where they feel their understanding is currently. Initial the one area you will be working on this afternoon. Debrief about clusters of understanding - What do the charts tell us about our knowledge base of EFF?

    Folks should find their appropriate worktable for the framework component they have designated.

    Step 5: (10 min) Facilitator will chose one activity as a warm-up exercise and do it with the group. Facilitator should explain about available resources (Internet, Standards Guides, Results That Matter, Hot Topics, Framework booklets) and reference guide. Folders on tables contain "Classroom Examples" and "The Investigation" (one for each participant).

    Step 6: (45 min) In a group, participants can work through the handout "The Investigation." Facilitator can walk through "The Investigation" in relation to the standard Learn Through Research. Go back over worksheet and determine which COPs were used. Come back together and share findings. Choose a reporter for the small group to share a summary and 2 examples (from the handout) with the large group. Using chart paper or overheads to detail the work discovered in their investigation.

    Optional: For an application of the morning learning, use the Classroom Example the group worked on and have each person identify their area of research (1 of the 5 framework components) to answer the question "How does this classroom example take into account the component of the framework (4 purposes, skill wheel, standards, roles or common activities) you are working on?"

    Step 7: (30min) 4 minute reports by each group.

    Step 8: (5 min) Discuss Learn Through Research Standard, using overhead or Standards Guide (p. 53) for reference. Review what a standard is and the definition of Components of Performance (COPs).

    Step 9: (15 min) Using the "Reflections" handout, reassess using purple dots on personal and wall charts. What growth has occurred? How can you continue to move up the continuum? What areas do you want or need to learn more about? Explain their assignment: To create 2 activities to share with the field. [possible online submission] They can use the handout provided.


    Trainer Note: Please distribute the "Facilitator Schedule" and their folder material to the 5 facilitators before the training.

    Facilitator Schedule 1. Do one of the Classroom Examples together

      Purposes Why Are You Here?
      Role Maps Goal Setting
      Common Activities Transference Across the Roles
      Skill Wheel Skill Wheel Bingo
      Standards From a Skill to a Standard

    2. Explain about Resources (Blue Book, Results That Matter, pamphlet, newsletters) using the Quick Reference Guide. Internet location is in Room ________. People can also be a resource

    3. Distribute colored folders (can also be given out at lunch). Folders contain 2-4 classroom examples and the investigation worksheet. Each person will receive all 5, but today's focus will only be around the area they have chosen to study.

    4. Work through the handout "The Investigation", explaining that the procedure they will be using is based on the standard Learn Through Research. Point out how the worksheet follows the COPs.

    5. Judy to post times for facilitator to help keep group on schedule.

      Research your topic
      Choose Reporter and share findings
      Using chart paper, write your summary and 2 activities
      Present to large group

    6. Group members can work independently or together, but coming back together to share information.

    7. Using chart paper, record what has been researched as far as the summary of the topic and a couple activities they would like to share with the large group.

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