Ohio EFF

Activity 5: Trainer Moment

Title of Activity 5: Trainer Moment
Time: 10 m

Purpose: Review the day's training and identify examples of PCC.

Key discoveries:

Teaching Principles

The EFF Quality Model outlines an adult education system that is driven by adult goals and purposes, focused on developing the full range of skills that those goals require, and informed by current research and adult learning theory. The same principles of learning that underlie EFF's approach to adult education also underlie EFF staff development. EFF workshops are designed to apply the principles that adult learning is:

Purposeful and Transparent
  • The objectives of the workshop are explicit and are reviewed by participants.
  • The relationship between workshop objectives and learning activities is articulated throughout.
  • Activities encourage the application of materials to participants' own purposes.
  • Participants evaluate the achievement of the workshop objectives/purposes.

  • Activities invite participants to apply EFF to themselves and their own work situations.
  • Examples are drawn from a range of contexts so that they will be relevant to a variety of program experiences.

  • Participants make sense of EFF through dialogue with each other and exploration of the material.
  • Participants use their own experience and expertise to evaluate how the EFF framework and standards can be useful in reframing teaching and assessing.
  • Activities are designed so that participants have opportunities to build on their experience and knowledge in adult education.

    Target audience: Teachers and administrators

    Format: 3 brainstorm groups


    • Charts with Purposeful, Contextual, Constructivist written at top.
    • Standards page from Activity 2 for each Classroom Example

    Facilitation notes: Remind audience of morning activity when we discussed PCC.

    Description of Activity:
    Step 1: Have participants think back over the days' activities- review each activity from agenda. Divide into 3 groups. Have each group brainstorm one of the principles and combine their group memory.

    Step 2: Discuss each concept and challenge group to identify in own classrooms. Remind about morning Reflection Log.

    Step 3: Talk about the P-T-A cycle and that our examples have really focused on the Planning (PCC) and Teaching (Standards) parts today. Future trainings will look at Assessing and Teaching in more depth. This is only the beginning of the implementation process. There will be much more support provided by the Resource Centers and the Training Team.

    Step 4: Review the Core Messages of today's training

    • Application
    • Approach
    • Assessment
    • Accountability
    • Alignment

    Segue: Call for questions.

  • This page http://literacy.kent.edu/ohioeff/prof_dev/orientation/activity5.html
    and is maintained by the OLRC WWW Development Team.