Activity 4: A Closer Look at the Standards
Title Activity 4: A Closer Look at the StandardsTime: 15 m Who: Purpose: By providing information on the status of the revised Ohio documentation logs and their correlation to EFF, Aspire personnel will become aware of the current phase of development. Objectives: To give a brief history of the standards (documentation logs) project. Target Audience: Aspire Directors and Teachers Format: Overhead Presentation with Question and Answers Materials:
Facilitation Notes: Remind participants that these logs are only in the draft stage and will not be ready for use until July 2003. They are not to be shared as completed documents, but only as where the focus groups are at this particular moment.
Activity Description: Step 2: Using the standard Read With Understanding as an example, highlight each category with an example of the current document. Provide draft copies of the Reading standard and talk through the NRS levels. Step 3: Seek out volunteers to serve on the next round of task forces - validation and instructional methods. Segue: This discussion will lead into the next session on how to move into using EFF in classrooms and programs.