Time Management & Prioritization of Tasks

To make the best use of your time and devote that time to your priorities, the following modules have been prepared especially for you.

Time Management

Time Management

"If you control your time, you control your life." - Alan Lakein
Your time is a wonderful resource that everyone has in equal amounts. Each of us has different attitudes about the use of time. The way you use your time and energy will determine how successful you are.

In order to determine the most efficient use of your time, as well as practicing ways to stop wasting your time, click the icon to the left to find the help and activities provided



Knowing what you want and how to reach your goal is an important skill. Be careful what you choose as your goals because you will probably achieve them if you approach reaching them in a methodical way. Making lists, focusing on steps to reach an outcome, and rewarding yourself upon completion are the skills necessary to achieving success in all facets of your life.

To find more information concerning prioritization skills, click the icon to the left.

Salt Fork Workplace Module Development Workshop HOME This page http://literacy.kent.edu/salt_fork/time_priority/index.html
Last Updated: 10/27/2022 14:21:54 and is maintained by the OLRC webteam@literacy.kent.edu.