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The Economics of Literacy

The preceding statistics show the relationship between economic factors and literacy levels. Please feel free to use this information in your community, in your grant writing, and in your staff development. For more information, call the Ohio Literacy Resource Center. See reverse side for address and phone number.


Kirsch, I. S., Jungeblut, Ann, Jenkins, Lynn, & Kolstad, Andrew. (1993). Adult literacy in America: A first look at the results of the national adult literacy survey. Princton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Darling, Sharon. (1984). Illiteracy: An Everyday Problem for Millions. Appalachia, 18, 21-28.

Gorman, Christine. (1988). The Literacy Gap. Time, 132, 56-57.

Jackson, R. E., & Harris, Joan (Eds.) (1983). A consideration of the social and economic cost to citizens f South Carolina for adult illiteracy. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Literacy Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 279 790).

Johnson, J. (1985). Adults in crisis: Illiteracy in America. Washington DC: National Institute of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 254 755).

National Center for Educational Statistics, Digest of Educational Statistics, 1992. U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.

U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee. Illiteracy: An incurable disease or educational malpractice? Washington, DC, Sept. 13, 1989.

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