Aspire is to create and maintain the best system to deliver basic skills to adults in Ohio. From this link you can find Reports, Plans and Presentations, Grant Management, Standards and Benchmarks,
Grant Forms, Grant Preparation, Professional Development, Program Monitoring, On-Site Review, Special Projects and Policies.
Aspire for the Deaf Adult Learner
This resource provides information on teaching the deaf adult learner, including information on accommodations, technological devices, working with interpreters, and strategies.
Adult Numeracy Themes
This publication provides information and activity ideas for different aspects of adult mathematics education, including number sense, data, geometry, and algebra.
Adult Literacy and Education Resources
This resource offers links to additional information on State Literacy Resource Centers, Adult Education, General Education, and Libraries.
Job Opportunities
This site presents a list of other websites where resumes can be posted, jobs can be searched, and employment trends can be found.
Ohio Aspire
This resource provides a list of programs by region, a calendar of events, links to newsletters, and the most recent Professional Development catalog.
1998 Local Program Technology Projects
This site provides the names of the members of the Projects, as well as links to their respective programs, and links to the OLRC and LINCS.
1999 GTE Minigrants
We think these projects provide excellent examples of how adult basic education programs can use technology and how we can all share our experience and expertise with our colleagues.
Distance Learning
Since September 2002, The Ohio Literacy Resource Center (OLRC), in collaboration with the Ohio Board of Regents Aspire Office, has worked with Aspire-funded sites to establish, develop, and implement distance-learning environment.
Domestic Violence Awareness Online
This source presents useful information on domestic violence definitions, domestic violence hotlines, and domestic violence shelters.
Equipping Ohio for the Future
This site provides information on how the Ohio Aspire programs have begun developing programs to improve the quality of adult education.
Instructional Resource Collection
Welcome to your connection to lesson plans, teaching strategies, and books to use in the classroom. Teaching resources have been curated and arranged by content area. Click on your program role to explore a collection of resources to use in your ABE/ASE and ESOL classroom.
For the Common Good
For the Common Good is a statewide project with the goal of facilitating the formation of local interagency linkage teams throughout Ohio.
GED® Scholars Initiative
This site provides information on a program for Kent State students who have earned a GED®. The program familiarizes these students with the campus and the college atmosphere, as well as offering academic, financial, and social support.
Internet Information
This resource offers links to information and tools for the Internet, including instructional sites for new Internet users.
Leadership Development Institute
The Institute provides guidance on creating a Mission Statement, as well as help with Strategic Planning. Also provided are lists of books for further reading and links to related sites.
The Ohio Literacy Alliance
The Alliance conducts research and develops activities for a range of literacy programs. Provided on the site are links to projects and assessments, as well as the OLA News.
Policy & Legislation
This site offers information on state and national legislation and policies, as well as links to government sites.
Recommended Trade Books for Adult Literacy Programs
This publication is a guide to literature that is suggested for adult literacy programs. The recommended books are sorted by category, and some teaching ideas are also available
Teacher Resources
This site provides categorized lists of resources for teachers. These lists present links to the various web resources.
Workplace Module Development Workshop
This site provides several modules for the workplace, including Problem Solving, Test Taking, Time Management, and Working with Difficult People.
Evaluating Even Start Programs - PDF file
This is a condensed version of a guide to local evaluations of Even Start family literacy programs.
Family Literacy Resource Notebook
The Family Literacy Resource Notebook is a guide to starting, advertising, and maintaining a successful family literacy program.
Family Literacy: Who Benefits? - PDF file
This document lists the ways in which family literacy can benefit everyone involved, including children, parents, families, and society.
Family Literacy Winter Fun - PDF file
"Winter Fun" describes several winter-related books with accompanying activities that parents can do with their children.
Family Math Fun Pack - PDF file
The Family Math Fun Pack gives examples of math and counting-related books and activities for parents to share with their children.
Initiating Even Start Programs - PDF file
This publication illustrates the methods which various Even Start Programs around Ohio used to start their programs.
Math Publications
These are a series of newsletters which highlight important information and activities to promote math literacy.
These are a series of newsletters designed to keep readers informed of the activities going on at the Ohio Literacy Resource Center. These newsletters also contain informational articles for educators.
Program Resources
This series of documents provides a number of resources for family and adult literacy programs.
Recommended Trade Books for Adult Literacy Programs
This publication is a guide to literature that is suggested for adult literacy programs. The recommended books are sorted by category, and some teaching ideas are also available.
Research in Adult Literacy
These articles provide insight into and information on research and studies done on adult literacy programs.
Research to Practice
These articles present methods of putting adult literacy research results to practical use.
Teacher To Teacher
These newsletters contain important information and suggestions for adult literacy educators, from their fellow teachers