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Bullet Beginnings
The stories from Beginnings were submitted by Ohio Aspire students.

Bullet Beyond Ourselves: Activities for Implementing Ohio's Indicators of Aspire Program Quality
This publication contains a series of activities to be used in Aspire programs which are sorted under various topics. For each activity, a description is given, along with the estimated time, materials, and environment that the activity will require.

Bullet Evaluating Even Start Programs - PDF file
This is a condensed version of a guide to local evaluations of Even Start family literacy programs.

Bullet Family Literacy Resource Notebook
The Family Literacy Resource Notebook is a guide to starting, advertising, and maintaining a successful family literacy program.

Bullet Family Literacy: Who Benefits? - PDF file
This document lists the ways in which family literacy can benefit everyone involved, including children, parents, families, and society.

Bullet Family Literacy Winter Fun - PDF file
"Winter Fun" describes several winter-related books with accompanying activities that parents can do with their children.

Bullet Family Math Fun Pack - PDF file
The Family Math Fun Pack gives examples of math and counting-related books and activities for parents to share with their children.

Bullet History Untold: Celebrating Ohio History Through Aspire Students
In these stories, Ohio ABLE students recount their own personal histories and events through which they lived, as well as the history of Ohio.

Bullet Literacy Tips for Children - "Read and Write with Your Little One" - PDF file
This guide offers tips for promoting literacy with children of all ages, and includes a list of recommended books for each age group as well.

Bullet Math Publications
These are a series of newsletters which highlight important information and activities to promote math literacy.

Bullet Parent Made Development Toys: Integrating Parenting, Self-Esteem, Literacy & Fun
Provided is a list of easy-to-make developmental toys which help to promote literacy for children of all ages.

Bullet Recommended Trade Books for Adult Literacy Programs
This publication is a guide to literature that is suggested for adult literacy programs. The recommended books are sorted by category, and some teaching ideas are also available.


Ohio Literacy Resource Center
236 Schwartz Center
800 E. Summit St.
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio 44242-0001

Phone: 330-672-2007
In Ohio Only: 800-765-2897
Fax: 330-672-4841


Ohio Resource Center Network Literacy Information and Communication System Ohio Department of Higher Education
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