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Ohio Literacy Resource Center Personnel

Bullet Dianna Baycich
Literacy Projects Coordinator
Bullet Christine Cugino
Web Manager
Bullet Judy Franks
Literacy Projects Coordinator
Bullet Matt Gambrill
Library and Resource Coordinator
Bullet Bethany Gillette
Program Support Coordinator
Bullet Penny Graves
Business Manager
Bullet Susie Lockhart
Office Manager
Bullet Phil Luedke
Technology Projects Coordinator
Bullet Cindy Penza
Technical Support Specialist
Bullet Marty Ropog
Bullet Carrie White
GED® Scholars Director and Communications Coordinator

Ohio Resource Center Network Ohio Department of Higher Education
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Ohio Literacy Resource Center - Celebrating 10 Years of Enhancing Adult Literacy 1993-2003 This page
and is maintained by the OLRC .
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