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Facts and Statistics on Family Literacy

Economic Realities for Families
Thousands of Ohio Parents are exchanging welfare rolls for payrolls. This step forward, however, isn't always a step up. These parents join hundreds of thousands who continue living paycheck-to-paycheck, struggling to meet their children's most basic needs.

Most poor children now live with at least one working parent. Yet, while parents work, many of our public policies ignore the 9-to-5, 4-to-midnight, or third-shift realities they face. Consider these facts:

  • Ninety-two percent of uninsured children in the U.S. have at least one working parent.
  • The rate of Ohio parents on public assistance earning a paycheck has doubled since new laws allow parents to keep more of what they earn. Yet, the average wage for a parent leaving public assistance is only $5.16 per hour.
  • Only 1 in 14 Ohio high school seniors possesses the skills required for today's most promising entry-level jobs.
  • Responding to Struggling Working Families
    In addition to economic pressures, many parents are starved for time with their children - time to watch ball games, to help with homework, and to share love, values and family history.

    No government can hug a child. But public and employer policies can help parents be responsible employees and responsible moms and dads. Here are some places to start:

  • Despite the fact that most parents needing child support are working, only 20 of Ohio's 88 child support agencies offer extended hours.
  • Ohio parents can more easily find information on how to choose the best restaurant, hotel or vacuum cleaner than on which child care centers offer the highest quality care.
  • Although child care costs rival tuition costs at Ohio's public universities, many of the payment approaches offered to college students are not available to families with young children.
  • Source: Children's Defense Fund - Ohio (1998). Windows of Opportunity: Ohio Children and the 1998 Election

    Please see Children's Defense Fund - Ohio for the full report and much more information.

    Links to Facts and Statistics on Family Literacy

    School District Data Book Profiles for Ohio

    America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1999 (highlights)

    Early Reading Activities in the Home - (Indicator 34: Early reading activities in the home/ Section 4 / Condition of Education 1999 / 1999-022)

    Do You Know the Facts About Literacy (quiz) - from FamilyEducation.Com

    Facts About Literacy - from The National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance

    Ohio Resource Center Network Ohio Department of Higher Education
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