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bullet Intergenerational Literacy Programs for Incarcerated Parents and Their Families: A Review of the Literature
(added Monday, August 21, 2006)
William R. Muth, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University

May, 2006

    Researchers from many fields have reported the benefits of family literacy programs to children, parents, families, and society. Although some studies included incarcerated parents and their children, very little research has specifically targeted this growing population. This is problematic because prisoners -- particularly parents with limited literacy ability - and their children and other family members often experience profound challenges that include learning, coping, and maintaining contact. These challenges may be ameliorated, to some degree, by family literacy programs. This paper reports on what we know about the effects of prison-based family literacy programs and argues for their careful expansion. Much remains to be understood about the complexity of these programs and how they should be designed, implemented, and evaluated, in order to build on the few existing models. When feasible, on-line sources are linked to the text

bullet Locating Adult Literacy Programs In Regular Schools and Adult Education Centers: What the Learners Have to Say
(added Monday, August 07, 2006)
Marion Terry, Ph.D.
Brandon University

Marion Terry
Brandon University
Brandon, Manitoba R7B 2V5
Telephone: (204) 727-7443
Fax: (204) 725-2143
E-mail: terry@brandonu.ca

    Finding appropriate and affordable classroom facilities is an ongoing problem for adult literacy programs. Choosing to rent less expensive space in an adult education center or to access a free classroom in a regular school would seem an ideal way to save money that could then be used to hire more teaching staff or purchase more learning materials. Neither alternative, however, was favored by the majority of learners interviewed in the adult literacy study upon which this article is based. These learners' views add a crucial dimension to the process of selecting literacy program facilities.
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