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Locating Adult Literacy Programs In Regular Schools and Adult Education Centers: What the Learners Have to Say (page 2)
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Research Methodology

Two adult literacy programs were selected from the 37 programs receiving community-based adult literacy grants from the Government of Manitoba in 2003. Both programs rented commercial-grade buildings that had been renovated for classroom use, and rental payments consumed a significant portion of their modest incomes from private donations and government grants. Seventy stakeholders volunteered to share their program experiences through compositions (brief responses to questions about their program experiences) and/or interviews (45-minute conversations based on more detailed questions about their program experiences): 37 learners, 2 coordinators/instructors, 11 other staff members, 7 parents/significant others of learners, 2 program administrators, 8 community referral agents, and 2 provincial funding agents. Twenty-six of the learners participated in interviews, which ended with the following questions: (1) "Do you think it would be a good idea for this program to move into a regular school building that has an extra classroom to spare?" and (2) Do you think it would be a good idea for this program to move into an adult education center that includes other kinds of adult education courses?" The answers were analyzed to produce within-case and cross-case comparisons of these learners' opinions.


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