e-article . . .
Using Dialogue Journals to Encourage
Reading and Writing in Family Literacy Programs

Sample 2: Topics to Discuss with Parents of Emergent Readers and Writers

How do Children Learn to Read and Write?

  1. Children learn to read and write by reading and writing.
  2. Children learn a lot from seeing parents and other adults reading and writing.
  3. Children learn a lot about reading and writing before starting school.
  4. Playing with books, crayons, markers, chalk, paper, puppets, and puzzles helps children learn a lot about language, reading, and writing. Make these materials available to your child at home.
  5. Singing songs, chanting rhymes, listening to stories, and telling stories help children learn a lot about language, reading, and writing.
  6. Reading with children is very important. Telling stories and talking to children are also very important.
  7. Children learn through exploring and trying things out. Don't worry about your child's "mistakes." Think of them as a way to help your child learn even more.
  8. Children need lots of repeated readings of favorite stories to feel comfortable to try and read them on their own. Let them read, re-read, and re-read again.
  9. Memorizing favorite stories is a normal part of learning to read.
  10. "Pretend reading" is a normal part of learning to read.
  11. The best way to become a better reader is to read, read, read!
  12. The best way to become a better writer is to write, write, write!

[ article . sample 1 . sample 2 . sample 3 . references ]

(Adapted from Elish-Piper, 1996)