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View Research Summaries by Keyword

Below please find a list of keywords and a brief definition of how they are defined here. Select any keyword to see a list of research summaries relating to that keyword.

Content area literacy
Instruction embedded in content, including language arts teachers using content area texts and content area teachers providing instruction in literacy strategies and processes
Coordinated programs
Comprehensive, coherent conceptualizations of literacy efforts which are interdisciplinary and inclusive of the home, community, and other out-of-school entities
Culturally responsive instruction
Awareness, understanding, and valuing of sociocultural aspects of literacy, including language, gender, race, and class
Diverse texts
Texts on a variety of levels and variety of topics; includes multicultural literature, non-print texts, student writing as text
Explicit comprehension instruction
Intentional instruction in strategies and processes that readers use to construct meaning from what they read
Instructional models
Pedagogical models, particularly of interest for literacy leaders and therefore often cross-keyed with leadership
Information for all who take leadership positions in literacy, including teachers and administrators, students and parents, policy makers and citizens
Strategies and processes that increase adolescents' motivation and engagement in literacy, broadly defined to include print and non-print, school and out-of-school, academic and personal.
Response to reading
How adolescents respond to their reading and the role that others play in this process.
Multiple technologies, including media literacies
Text-based discussion
Student interaction around a variety of texts
Writing instruction
Intensive instruction on writing processes and strategies