Problem-Solving HOME

Problem-solving Steps

Problem-solving Situations for Practice

Problem-solving Model for Printing

Evaluate Results

For this step: If your problem is still not solved, go back to the list of options and choose another. Follow the same steps.

Things to remember
  • Follow-up with the problem, even if it seems to have been solved. Make sure that the problem doesn't come back or that other things have happened as a result.
  • After the solution is implemented, changes might need to be made - possibly even starting back to look at the options again.
Things to avoid
  • Not following up to make sure that the problem stays solved and that other things haven't happened as a result
  • Assuming that the problem will always stay solved once the plan is implemented
Line Define Problem

Identify Options

Identify Best Solution

Plan How to Achieve Best Solution

Evaluate Results

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