Problem-Solving HOME

Problem-solving Steps

Problem-solving Situations for Practice

Problem-solving Model for Printing

Define Problem

For this step you should:
Look at the situation carefully. Figure out what it is that you are trying to solve. This will be your problem.

Things to remember
  • Try and find the most important parts of the problem
  • Remain open-minded about the problem and its causes
  • Be as specific as possible when thinking about the problem.
    • For example - instead of saying "I hate my job," be more specific about what you don't like, maybe "I don't like working third shift."
  • This first step is just for defining the problem, not for thinking about solutions yet.
Things to avoid
  • Immediately assuming you know what the problem and solution are
  • Going directly to trying to solve the problem before thinking about it
Go to next step: Identify Options
Line Define Problem

Identify Options

Identify Best Solution

Plan How to Achieve Best Solution

Evaluate Results

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