We at the Ohio Literacy Resource Center are very pleased to introduce Beginnings. This publication is a first step in honoring and supporting adult student writers in Ohio. It takes a place with other OLRC projects for students and teachers such as Recommended Trade Books for readers and The Math Newsletter and statewide math day for those interested in math.
The Regional ABLE Resource Centers helped us obtain over 130 pieces of writing. Staff and students selected 51 entries that are included. Fifty-two teachers encouraged students to submit poems, essays and stories. These adult student writers and their teachers were invited to the first OLRC Writers' Conference on May 1, 1998 in Columbus.
Many people contributed their efforts to this project. Jim Bowling, Assistant Director in the Division of Vocational and Adult Education at the Ohio Department of Education, made funding possible. Jean Stephens, Director of the Ohio Literacy Resource Center, encouraged us at every step and served as a reader. Nancy Padak, Kent State University faculty, contributed her constant inspiration and her reading and editing expertise. Bryan Bardine provided the perspiration involved in overseering the entire project, which was coordinated by Connie Sapin. Gale Coleman and Carmen Parfitt of Ravenna served as representative readers for ABLE students. Georgia Gallagher made the publication beautiful. Student staff helped us all.
Beginnings is for readers. Beginnings is for writers. Beginnings is for teachers. We hope you enjoy it.