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Nancy Padak
Kent State University
To Promote making decisions about what has been read; to encourage reading for different purposes; and to help readers learn to organize information from material they have read.
Narrative or informational materials are appropriate.
Materials that take about 10 minutes to read work best.
1 Students read silently. When finished, they turn materials face down.
2.Teacher asks students what they remember. Recalled information is written on the chalkboard.
3.Teacher provides a post-reading task (e.g., write a summary paragraph, create a map, prepare an outline). Students then return to the material, looking for additions, deletions, and corrections necessary in light of the post-reading task.
4.Discussion resumes with students suggesting possible additions, deletions, or corrections and offering reasons for their choices. The group decides if and how the information on the chalkboard should be changed.
5.Pairs of students organize the information on the chalkboard and complete the post-reading task.
6.Pairs share their products with each other, again offering reasons for their choices, where appropriate.
Variations: 1.After students are accustomed to the procedure, they can work in groups without the teacher's direct involvement. One person in each group should serve as recorder.
2.Non- text experiences (e.g., class discussion, science experiment, A-V presentation, guest expert) can also provide the stimulus for recall, discussion, and organization.
My Journal for A N T H O N Y B U R N S
The defeat and triumph of a fugitive slave
by Virginia Hamilton
Longfellow A B L E Center
Room 202 Mrs. Jackson
N a m e____________________________________
This section is for your journal entries. A short reaction or com ment after each chapter is the least you should do. So me chapters will cause more reaction than others, so you will want to write more about those chapters than about the others.
Journal entries are personal thoughts, opinions, and feelings that you write down in a special place. A journal is personal; therefore, I will not be judging or grading your writing, your spelling, or your thoughts.
Each entry in your journal should include the date and the chapter number. Following these just write down how the story or one of the characters made you feel or what you thought about. Some times something we read can make us think of things from our past experiences whether or not they are directly related. A journal is where you can freely record whatever comes to mind; it is for your creativity and expression.
Happy writing!
On the following pages list words from the story that are new to you or are used in a way new to you. List the word first, then write the sentence or phrase where you found the word, and, lastly, write the definition in words that you understand. Writing a sentence of your own using the new word can help you remember the word, but it is not required.
These examples are words that you may or may not know already. List your vocabulary words in the same way.
abolitionist -
page 4 'Now it was used by Christian abolitionists who in the present year, 1854, prayed and preached against slavery.'
An abolitionist was someone who wanted to abolish slavery.
buckra -
page 5 "Never let a buckra - a man who is white - know what you are thinking."
Buckra is a degrading term for a white man.
overdoer -
page 10 "Behind the sunlight came the overdoer, Big Walker. "
Overdoer is another word for overseer. An overseer is a supervisor; in the old South the overseer was often one of the slaves who made sure the other field hand slaves kept working.