Copyright on the Internet
Quiz Answers
1. (Answer: False) According to the copyright law, an individual has to obtain permission from the owner of the "original works" if he or she is interested in copying, altering, and/or distributing information collected from the Internet.
2. (Answer: False) This was true until the revision of the 1989 copyright law, which states that it is not necessary to indicate a copyright symbol and/or statement on "original works" in order for it to be protected by copyright law.
3. (Answer: True) Copyright protects original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. An on-line web page is considered a tangible form.
4. (Answer: False) Copyright is never lost, unless it is given away. However, if a piece of material was created prior to the revision of the 1989 copyright law and the "owner" of the copyrighted works did not renew the copyright, that particular piece of work is now in the public domain.
5. (Answer: False) Copyright protects original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. Email is consider original work.
6. (Answer: True) Original "non-copyrighted" ideas, facts, titles, names, short phrases and blank forms are not consider copyrighted material.
7. (Answer: True) It is legal to use a small portion or copyrighted material for educational purposes such as teaching materials, media projects and/or research documents and non-educational purposes. Including material used for a discussion piece or comment section. (Fair Use).
8. (Answer: True) You can't freely scan images from a book or magazine. You can however scan your own photograph or images you have created to your web site.
9. (Answer: False) An educator or student can use 10% or 1000 words (smallest of the two) of text material and 10% or 3 minutes (smallest of the two) for motion media works without obtaining permission from the copyright owner.
10. (Answer: False) It is necessary to contact the owner of the copyrighted works. The owner of the copyrighted material is the only person who can give you permission to use the work.

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