![]() Web Resources on Deafness These resources are found through the National Institute for Literacy - Learning Disabilities listserv, LINCS on deaf literacy, and through our own personal research. They are categorized according to interests and are in alphabetical order.
A Basic Dictionary of ASL terms, http://www.masterstech-home.com/ASLDict.html, provides information on ASL terms to any person who wants to know more. Alphabet and numbers 1-10 are included at this Web site. ASL Browser, http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm, is another well-known and reliable dictionary. Provides similar information as the other two dictionaries. ASL Fingerspelling, http://asl.ms/, features fingerspelling of the ASL manual alphabet. One can use this as a drill and practice session to review the manual alphabet.
National Deaf Education Laurent Clerc Center at Gallaudet University also has tons of curricular resources and instructional strategies in addition to Web links for a variety of topics. It's at http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu. American Sign Language Resource Guide
The National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD), http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/, has tons of information on deafness and disorders that may cause deafness. Hearing aids, cochlear implants and other devices are also explained well. A excellent collection of Web links to many deafness-related sites, http://www.sivideo.com/captresb.htm, provides sub-lists under topics such as schools, employment, federal government, associations, and many more.
Deaf literacy page has links to articles, literacy guides, resources and papers on this topic and it's at http://www.deafworldweb.org/. This is a speech given by Roger J. Carver, M.Ed. at the University of Alberta, http://dww.deafworldweb.org/pub/c/rjc/agenda.html, about the historical mis-education and consequent illiteracy of a vast number of deaf individuals. There is a deaf literacy guide for teachers at this Web site, http://deafness.about.com/cs/accessibility/a/webvideocc.htm. There are several links to related Web sites on a variety of deaf literacy topics, such as reading and writing strategies, literacy activities to be used in classrooms and at home, and managing multi-level English skills classes.
National Association of the Deaf, http://www.nad.org/, is the national organization of the deaf. Their Web site has tons of information about deafness and other related issues. Hearing Loss Association of America, https://www.hearingloss.org/, is the national organization for the people who are hard of hearing. They have tons of information about hearing loss, devices to help them (hearing aids, assistive listening devices, and alarms), coping issues, and other related topics.
Microsoft PowerPoint program, http://www.microsoft.com, is a presentation software program that can incorporate graphics, texts, animations, and short movies. Students can use this program to present their information to a variety of audiences, such as classrooms, activity groups, and families. Focus on Grammar Series, http://www.esl.net/focus_on_grammar.html, is an interactive drill and practice grammar program for adults. There are four different levels and are created for ESOL students. This has been found to be helpful for deaf students. Web Video Captioning Technologies, http://deafness.about.com/library/weekly/aa083198.htm?iam=savvy&terms=%2Breal+%2Btext%2008/23/2001 Companies, individuals, Federal agencies, and organizations that put video on the web have absolutely no excuse for not making their videos accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. Both Microsoft and Real Networks have developed captioning technologies for use with digital video. These technologies can be used to comply with Section 508, the Federal law that requires Federal web sites to be accessible. |