Links to Other Teaching Strategies

bullet ABC's of the Writing Process
    Download a variety of graphic organizers especially helpful for writing activities.

bullet Cooperative Learning Strategies
    Get information on cooperative learning, an instructional strategy in which small groups of students work together on a common task. This teaching method is an excellent way to allow students to think critically without relying on you for answers.

bullet Glossary of Instructional Strategies
    This annotated glossary of education terms includes many teaching strategies.

bullet Graphic Organizer Index
    Inspiration and Kidspiration Software sponsors this site in which strategies are displayed on a matrix with Describing, Comparing Contrasting, Classifying, Sequencing, Causal, Decision Making on the horizontal axis and Webbing, Concept Mapping, Matrix, and Flow Chart on the vertical axis.

bullet Reading as a Strategic Activity
    Beacon Educator, an enterprise of Bay District Schools in Florida, hosts Reading Educator, along with several other sites providing online professional learning and curriculum resources.

bullet ReadingQuest: Making Sense in Social Studies
    The mission of ReadingQuest is to be a resource for teachers who wish to more effectively engage their students in the content of their courses but who also want to better understand how to support the learning process.

bullet Virtual University
    The School Board of Broward County, Florida, maintains a virtual university that provides both "teaching strategies" and "thinking skills."

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