About Us

The Trade Books project began in 1994 with a group of adult literacy professionals who reviewed books published for children and young adults that would be interesting and enjoyable for adult learners to read in the classroom or in tutoring situations. The result is the searchable database, known as Eureka!, of over 1000 books, Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies, Thematic Collections, and Other Web Resources. The current committee of 16 educators selects and reviews approximately 75 new books each year. View current and past committee members.

Several OLRC staff members work on Eureka!: Nancy Padak advises and creates the Teaching Ideas guides; Pat Bloem selects books for review; Dianna Baycich oversees the project and acts as general troubleshooter; Judy Franks keeps lesson plans coming; and Christine Cugino serves as webmistress.

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Ohio Literacy Resource Center - Celebrating 10 Years of Enhancing Adult Literacy 1993-2003 Ohio Literacy Resource Center
236 Schwartz Center
800 E. Summit St.
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
Phone: 330-672-2007
In Ohio Only: 800-765-2897
Fax: 330-672-4841
TTY: 330-672-2379
Instructional Planning Strategies Trade Books Lesson Plans Other Web Resources