Keyword - Content Area Literacy
Content area literacy
- Instruction embedded in content, including language arts teachers using content area texts and content area teachers providing instruction in literacy strategies and processes
Research Summaries
Agee, J. (2000). What is effective literature instruction? A study of experienced high
school English teachers in differing grade- and ability- level classes. Journal of
Literacy Research, 32, 303-348.
Alvermann, D., Young, J., Weaver, D., Hinchman, K., Moore, D., Phelps, S., Thras, E., Zalewski, P. (1996). Middle and high school students� perceptions of how they experience text-based discussions: A multicase study. Reading Research Quarterly, 31, 244-267.
Dillon, D. R., O�Brien, D. G., & Moje, E. B. (1994). Literacy learning in secondary
school science classrooms: A cross-case analysis of three qualitative studies.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31, 345-362.
Draper, R. J. (2002). Every teacher a literacy teacher? An analysis of the literacy-related
messages in secondary methods textbooks. Journal of Literacy Research, 34, 357-
Guthrie, J. T., & Davis, M. H. (2003). Motivating struggling readers in middle school through an engagement model of classroom practice. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 19, 59-85.
Hammond, J., & Macken-Horarik, M. (1999). Critical literacy: Challenges and questions for ESL classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 33, 528-544.
Harmon, J., & Hedrick, W. (2005). Research of vocabulary instruction in the content areas: Implications for struggling readers. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 21, 261-280.
Hobbs, R. & Frost, R. (2003). Illuminating constructivism: Structure, discourse, and
subjectivity in a middle school classroom. Reading Research Quarterly, 37, 278-
Hynd, C. R. (1999). Teaching students to think critically using multiple texts in history. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 42, 428-436.
Ivey, G., & Broaddus, K. (2001). "Just plain reading": A survey of what makes students want to read in middle school classrooms. Reading Research Quarterly, 36, 350-377.
Kucan, L., & Beck, I. L. (2003). Inviting students to talk about expository texts: A
comparison of two discourse environments and their effects on comprehension.
Reading Research and Instruction, 42, 1-29.
Moje, E. B., & Ciechanowski, K. M., Kramer, K., Ellis, L., Carrillo, R., & Collazo, T.
(2004). Working toward third space in content area literacy: An examination of
everyday funds of knowledge and discourse. Reading Research Quarterly, 39, 38-
Mosborg, S. (2002). Speaking of history: How adolescents use their knowledge in reading the daily news, Cognition and Instruction, 20, 323-358.
Paterson, P.O. (2000). The role of text in peer- led literature circles in the secondary
classroom. In T. Shanahan & F.V. Rodriguez-Brown (Eds.), Forty-ninth yearbook
of the National Reading Conference (pp. 235-251). Chicago: National
Reading Conference.
Sturtevant, E. G., & Linek, W. M. (2003). The instructional beliefs and decisions of middle and
secondary teachers who successfully blend literacy and content. Reading Research and
Instruction, 41, 74-89.
Short, D. (1994). Expanding middle school horizons: Integrating language, culture, and social
studies. TESOL Quarterly, 28, 581-608.
Thomas, H. K. (1999). The social construction of literacy in a high school biology class.
In T. Shanahan & F. Rodriguez-Brown (Eds.), Forty-eighth yearbook of the
National Reading Conference Yearbook (pp. 317-328). Chicago: National
Reading Conference.
Young, K. M., & Leinhardt, G. (1998). Writing from primary documents: A way of
knowing in history. Written Communication, 15, 25-68.