Positive Self-Talk
Setting Priorities
Manage Time
Quick Tips
EFF-Worker Role
What is meant by positive self-talk?
Too often, we send ourselves negative messages:
Do you see a pattern here?
- Negative self-talk is often used to take away the threat of someone else saying those things to you.
- Negative self-talk is often used as an excuse for your short comings.
- Negative self-talk is remembered much more easily than the positive self-talk.
If you have practiced negative self-talk most of your life, you will need to work hard to change that habit-and it is a habit.
- In order to break a bad habit, you need to replace it with a good habit, and to do that, you need to practice the new, good habit regularly and over time.
- Check out the TOP 10 Tips for Creating Postivie Self-Talk and start your new positive you.