The Trade Books project began in 1994 with a group of adult literacy professionals who reviewed books published for children and young adults that would be interesting and enjoyable for adult learners to read in the classroom or in tutoring situations. The result 14 years later is the searchable database, known as Eureka!, of over 1000 books, Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies, Thematic Collections, and Other Web Resources. The current committee of 16 educators selects and reviews approximately 75 new books each year.
"The Educational Testing Service Network (ETS Net) is a gateway to definitive information about college and graduate school admissions and placement tests, with links to AP, GRE, GMAT, SAT, The Praxis Series, and TOEFL sites, as well as other educational resources. ETS Net provides sample test questions, test preparation, and test registration. It also contains information on ETS research initiatives, teacher certification, college planning, financial aid, and links to college and university sites. "
This is the Latin American Network Information Center located at the University of Texas, Austin. Through this site, access to 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is available, as well as information on the following topics: art, anthropology, economics, government, health, libraries, networks, news, publications, and tourism.
Our aim is to provide you with information about the offices and programs of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), education initiatives of the President and the Secretary, the full text of ED reports and publications, links to organizations we support, and more.
"At ZERO TO THREE, we concentrate exclusively on these miraculous first years of life - the critical period when a child undergoes the greatest human growth and development. It's also a period when you - the parent or professional - have the opportunity to make a great impact and positively influence a child's future. Our mission here is simple: to help children best navigate their first three years of life in order to develop a solid intellectual, emotional and social foundation. For parents and professionals alike, there's always something new and exciting to be discovered! So, set aside some time to explore - and come back often and grow with us!"