Stamp on Black History
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Black History Tour

Black History Tour

The tour menu breaks Black American History into 24 understandable segments. They are generally one paragraph long. The part of the tour, Soul-the 1960's, would be helpful if a class lesson was focusing on the 1960's, for example.

The writing is to the point and interesting. Some sections may have more advanced language than others, so, ABE students will need to decide which sections will work for them. GED students will be able to understand all of the tour.

There are no activities made up for the tour. It is rich. The segments are short. This could be a valuable resource in a variety of ways. Use your own imagination for using the tour.

WARNING: The entire tour is on one "page". You may not print just one of the 24 segments. If you print, you will print all of the 24 segments. That would be a great deal of printing.

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