Explore The World With ThinkQuest Sites 

This is what you have been waiting for! This is the list of sites you will be guided through for your exciting adventure into the World Wide Web. Some sites have activities of their own. Directions how to access these are given. Other sites have suggested activities here in ThinkLink. Either way, you will have great directions and great ideas offered to help you get started into your own fantastic use of the Internet. They are really great! This list will slowly grow over time. So, check back in every now and then for additional gems for your students.
STAMP ON BLACK HISTORY uses U. S. postage stamps to teach about major figures in American Black history. This site has so many activities already in it, there is not time or room to give directions for all. You will see how to access and use many activities. Then, you can look through the rest for yourself and use the others on your own.

THE HIDDEN KILLERS: DEADLY VIRUSES Ooh!! This site is so rich! The actual biology of a virus is explained. The military uses of viruses are discussed. Lots of specific viruses are examined. Great reading and discussions! There are some really super discoveries to be made.

COLLAB-O-WRITE has a two page list of story starters. Can you believe it? A treasure right there! These starters are divided into: mystery; romance; science fiction; adventure; and drama. There are activities for the early stages of ABE, Literacy, or English as a Second Language.

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