Research on Family Literacy
Characteristics of Effective Family Literacy Programs in Michigan
"The purpose of this study was to identify popular models and practices in contemporary family literacy programs in Michigan and to document how programs adapt their instruction and services to the special needs of their participants."
The Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy
"The Goodling Institute, housed within The Pennsylvania State University's College of Education, works collaboratively with the College's Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and the National Center for family Literacy (NCFL) in Louisville, Kentucky to improve family literacy education through research and its application to practice and professional development.
The Goodling institute had also established a Certificate in Family Literacy to be offered via distance learning through the Penn State World Campus. This Certificate has been developed collaboratively with the National Center for Family Literacy and Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and integrates research findings and best practices identified through research efforts."
Promising Practices Network (PNN)
"The Promising Practices Network (PPN) web site highlights programs and practices that credible research indicates are effective in improving outcomes for children, youth, and families. The information offered is organized around three major areas: proven and promising programs, research in brief, and strengthening service delivery."
Research Link/Family Literacy
This article from Educational Leadership presents research based information about the benefits of family literacy. To view the article, scroll down to Volume 61 and click on March 2004, then scroll down to almost the bottom of the resulting page for the link to the article.
Taking a Closer Look: A Guide to Online Resources on Family Involvement
This is a resource guide that contains annotated Web links to recent (published in and after 2000) research, information, and tools about family involvement which covers resources about parenting practices to support children's learning and development, home-school relationships, parent leadership development, and collective engagement for school improvement and reform. Resource Guide sections include: Knowledge Development, Professional Development, Standards, Programs, Tools, Convening, Special Initiatives, Appendix: Resource Guide Organizations.
Windows of Opportunity in Early Learning
The "Showcase of Innovative Practice" makes this site worth a visit. Topics include:Research in Action: Teachers, Projects, and TechnologyLights, Camera, Active Learning! Enhancing ESL Instruction Through Video Projects, What's New at TWC: Upcoming Forum on Addressing the Needs of Adults with Limited English Proficiency, and Research-Based Professional Development for Adult Educators.