Ohio EFF


Presentation Title:
Taking the Mystery Out of EFF - An EFF Orientation
Taking the Mystery Out of EFF - (powerpoint presentation)

Provide training for all Aspire program teams [Director and Lead Teacher at least] that introduces Equipped for the Future and offers suggestions for its implementation.


  • To provide participants with an opportunity to assess and expand their current knowledge of EFF.
  • To provide participants with the resources to replicate the training with their staff.
  • To experience what it's like to be in an EFF classroom.

    Context: Worker Role Map
    Standard: Learn Through Research


    9:00-9:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
    9:25-9:45 Icebreaker, Welcome, Objectives, Agenda, Parking Lot
    9:45- 10:25 Ohio's Big Picture
    10:25-10:35 Break
    10:35-11:00 A Learning Experience
    11:00-12:00 What's PCC?
    12:00-1:00 Lunch
    1:00 - 3:00 Solving the Mystery of EFF
      The Investigation
    Break during Activity
    3:00-3:10 Trainer Moment
    3:10-3:30 Q & A

    Contact Hours: 5

    Who: Training Team Facilitators

      C/SE - Patti Bilyeu, Judy Franks, Denise Pottmeyer
      SW - Tawna Eubanks, Judy Franks, Denise Pottmeyer
      NW - Sarah Reyes-Cairo, Linda Weeks, Judy Franks, Denise Pottmeyer
      NE - Kathy Olson, Judy Franks, Denise Pottmeyer
    Where: Sponsored by Aspire Regional Resource Centers
      C/SE Athens (1/4/02) and Columbus (4/4/02)
      SW Dayton (2/6/02) and Cincinnati (2/8/02)
      NW Toledo (1/18/02) and Findlay (2/15/02)
      NE Euclid (2/7/02 and 3/8/02)

  • This page http://literacy.kent.edu/ohioeff/prof_dev/orientation/index.html
    and is maintained by the OLRC WWW Development Team.