Stamp on Black History
Wordsearch Center
Writing Station
U. S. Postage Stamps
Crossword Puzzles
Spingarn Medal
Math Center
Black History Tour

Word Search

There are three choices of word searches. The puzzles must be printed out and then copied in order for each student to have one to work with at the computer.

Print out directions for the students.

  1. Number one is a search of twenty names. Just print this one out and copy. This could be used by both ABE & GED
  2. Number two is a word search with clues and requires the students to search for information about Black Americans. Print this one out and copy one for each student. Due to the searching and reading, this is a GED word search.
    • Students are given a clue. They have to discover who the clue
      indicates. The student should:
    • Scroll past the puzzle.
    • Click on CLUES. The names listed are out of order. Each name is linked to the short biography of that person.
    • Click on a name,
    • Read,
    • Click on the BACK button to return to the CLUES.
      This could be a collaborative activity where each student is assigned a limited number of names to click on in the CLUES section and discover which question this person answers. Information can be shared with the rest of the class. This way students do not have to read twenty biographies and they have the opportunity to work together.
    • The teacher may scroll past the puzzle,
    • Click on ANSWERS, and
    • Print out an answer sheet.
  3. Number three is the Black History Word Search Puzzle with Black History related words. Just print this one out and copy. This could be used by both ABE & GED.

Click here for equivalent page for students.

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